A regular meeting of Sharon Zoning Board of Appeals was held on Wednesday, January 25, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. in the Selectmen’s Meeting Room, Town Hall.  The following members were present:  Kevin McCarville, Acting Chairman; Lee Wernick, Seth Ruskin, Barry Barth, Larry Okstein (7:15 p.m.).

Mr. McCarville opened the meeting at 7:02 p.m.  He wished a safe return for John Lee who is serving in Afghanistan.

7:04 p.m.             AT&T, 411 East Foxboro Street, Case No. 1676 Continued Hearing and AT&T, 68 Mohawk Street, Case  No. 1656 Continued Hearing:  Mr. Wernick moved to continue the public hearing for 411 E. Foxboro Street to March 14, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. as per request of their attorney, Edward Pare.  Motion seconded by Mr. Ruskin and voted 3-0-0 (Ruskin, McCarville, Wernick).  Mr. Wernick moved to continue the public hearing for AT&T, 68 Mohawk Street, Case No. 1656 to March 14, 2012 at 7:00 p.m. as per request of their attorney.  Motion seconded by Mr. Ruskin and voted 3-0-0.

7:07 p.m.             Senior Operations, 1075 Route 1, Case No. 1688:  Mr. Wernick moved to continue this hearing to February 8, 2012 as requested by the applicant’s attorney, Len Simons.  Motion seconded by Mr. Ruskin and voted 3-0-0 (McCarville, Ruskin, Wernick).

7:09 p.m.             Mank, LLC, 164 Beach Street, Case No. 1694:  At the request of the applicant, Mr. Wernick moved to continue the hearing to March 14, 2012.  Motion seconded by Mr. Ruskin and voted 3-0-0.  Mr. McCarville continued the hearing to March 14, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.

Minutes:  Mr. Wernick moved to accept the minutes of May 11, 2011, July 27, 2011, September 28, 2011, October 12, 2011, Octobe 26, 2011, November 9, 2011 and December 14, 2011.  Motion seconded by Mr. Ruskin and voted 3-0-0 (McCarville, Ruskin, Wernick).

Mr. Okstein arrived at 7:15 p.m.

7:15 p.m.             Ruth Zakarin, 227 S. Main Street, Case No. 1695 New Hearing:  Mr. McCarville read the public hearing notice and letters from Greg Meister, Conservation Agent and Jim Andrews, Health Agent.  The applicant was represented by Dan Kane.  He stated they are seeking to add on a two car garage, a great room and a master bedroom suite on top of the great room with storage over the garage.  Presently, there are six bedrooms, two of which are in the attic and there are currently two bathrooms and they are proposing to add one for a total of three.  Mr. Wernick asked to see the current layout and also the proposed changes.  Ms. Zakarin’s contractor, Paul Sullivan distributed plans to the board showing both old and new.  Mr. Wernick stated if we have a new bathroom, there will be a change in flow, but the Health Agent stated there is no change in flow.  Mr. Sullivan asked if the flow is based on bedrooms or bathrooms and Mr. Wernick stated bathrooms.  Mr. Kane stated that presently there are two attic spaces that are not habitable.  Mr. Barth stated there is a reduction then from 4 bedrooms to 3.  Mr. McCarville stated the applicant needs to go back to Jim Andrews to get a letter that he is aware there is additional flow and if he is okay with that or not.  Mr. Wernick stated he also wants Mr. Andrews to state he has seen both sets of plans, new and old.  Mr. Sullivan stated Mr. Andrews has seen them.  His letter is just not clear.  Mr. Wernick stated he has also labeled a bedroom as a closet.  Mr. McCarville stated he needs to accommodate an 8’ opening with no bathroom, no door and no closet.  Mr. Wernick stated we need to protect the neighborhood also.  Mr. McCarville stated they will have to remove the closet in the proposed playroom.  He has no issues at this time with what is being proposed, but he will have to continue so we can hear from Jim Andrews.  Mr. Wernick moved to continue the hearing to February 8, 2012 at 7:00 p.m.  Motion seconded by Mr. Ruskin and voted 3-0-0 (McCarville, Ruskin,Wernick).

Mr. McCarville informed the applicant that he needs a letter from Jim Andrews stating he has seen the plans and also an addendum to the plans.

It was moved, seconded and voted to adjourn.  The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

                                                                Respectfully submitted,


Approved   5/9/12